help with italian please!?
2008-10-16 13:31:26 UTC
im sorry that i have to speak english but i just began learning italian :/
could u people tell me how to use the pronoun "ne"? like phrases using this pronoun and if you use it often in Italy? thanks!
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2008-10-16 13:50:55 UTC
1- Ne is a pronoun that stands for 'of him, of her, of them, of it, of that".

Apprezzo l'onestà di Laura----> Ne apprezzo l'onestà.

I appreciate Laura's honesty.

Vuoi un po' di sale?---> ne vuoi un po'?

Do you want some salt?

Abbiamo incontrato Mario e Chiara e i genitori---> Abbiamo incontrato Mario e Chiara e ne abbiamo incontrato i genitori.

We met Mario and Chaira and their parents.

2- Ne can replace a sentence introduced by "di + infinitive".

Ti va di uscire? No, ne ne ho voglia. (= No, non ho voglia DI USCIRE)

Do you want to go out? No, I don't want to.

3- It means "from here, from there":

Me ne vado

I'm going away from here


Yes, we use it very often :)
2008-10-16 20:42:08 UTC
yes we ofter use this is like english either... or---neither... nor

have you understood?
2008-10-16 20:39:00 UTC
The particle ne has different functions.

These are the most important:

has the function of indirect pronoun and it means of or from this thing, of or from this person


"Ho già visto quella persona, ma non ne conosco il nome."

has a neutral value and it can refer to a whole clause


"Vuoi comprare una macchina nuova? Non ne vedo l'utilità."

has the value of place


"Sono andato a casa di Antonio, ma me ne sono andato subito."

yes we often used this pronoun!!
2008-10-16 20:46:44 UTC
maria doesen't like the cake, sara eats the remains.

A maria non piace la torta, sara NE (della torta, of the cake) mangia i resti.
2008-10-16 20:42:42 UTC
*1. pronoun (di lui) about him

(di lei) about her

(di loro) about them

(di ciò) about it

ne sono contento I'm happy about it

ne ho abbastanza I have enough

2. adverb from there

ne vengo adesso I've just come back from there
2008-10-16 20:40:37 UTC
example: nè questo nè quello is neither this nor that. In italian nè is not usally used in spoken language.
* xx@vy *
2008-10-16 20:39:58 UTC
We always use it. I want to know more of it, too!!

"Non ce NE importa".

We don't mind it. / we don't care of it.

"Non ci sn più arance. Quanti NE hai mangiate?...0".

Ther're no more oranges. How many oranges did you eat?...0

...Yes, I know this answer has no sense.


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